Amazon New Services

Introducing Amazon Lightsail
Amazon is launching Amazon Lightsail. With a couple of clicks you can choose a configuration from a menu and launch a virtual machine preconfigured with SSD-based storage, DNS management, and a static IP address. You can launch your favorite operating system (Amazon Linux AMI or Ubuntu), developer stack (LAMP, LEMP, MEAN, or Node.js), or application (Drupal, Joomla, Redmine, GitLab, and many others), with flat-rate pricing plans that start at $5 per month including a generous allowance for data transfer.

Here are the plans and the configurations:

You get the simplicity of a VPS, backed by the power, reliability, and security of AWS. As your needs grow, you will have the ability to smoothly step outside of the initial boundaries and connect to additional AWS database, messaging, and content distribution services.

All in all, Lightsail is the easiest way for you to get started on AWS and jumpstart your cloud projects, while giving you a smooth, clear path into the future.

Amazon Aurora Update – PostgreSQL Compatibility
AWS announced it  was adding PostgresSQL support to the AWS Aurora database, making it easier to move an Oracle database to the AWS cloud (see my blog
AWS Schema Conversion Tool).
PostgreSQL open source database has been under continuous development for 20 years and has found a home in many enterprises and startups. Customers like the enterprise features (similar to those offered by SQL Server and Oracle), performance benefits, and the geospatial objects associated with PostgreSQL.  They would love to have access to these capabilities while also taking advantage of all that Aurora has to offer.

Who is catching who?
See my blog Cisco & Oracle Public Cloud Approach.

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